Family Resource Center (FRC)
The Think College Now Family Resource Center (FRC) is dedicated to supporting authentic partnerships among all members of our community. We are committed to developing an empowering, resourceful and productive space where staff and families work collaboratively on achieving the educational and life aspirations of Think College Now's children.
Informal Space
Families can meet, have coffee, wait for children, find information, and network with other families. Open to families Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 4:00pm.
Formal Meeting Space
The FRC is used as a formal meeting space for staff and families and as a space for parents to connect with each other.
We have 4 computers (all w/ internet) and 1 printer for parents' use and can assist parents who are not computer savvy with any needs that arise.
Volunteer Opportunities
A place for families to find volunteer opportunities at TCN and begin the process of TB testing and filling out necessary volunteer paperwork in order to assist in classrooms.
Community Resources
The FRC continues to build a network in the Fruitvale community as well as the city of Oakland. If you are in need of resources, please connect with our staff and we will be happy to help you!
We work closely with the TCN counselors/interns to ensure that all families and students are getting all the support they need.
We offer support and uniforms for families that are facing economic hardships, or for students who need a spare uniform on any given school day. We also have loaner uniforms for students who come to school out of uniform.
The FRC provides different workshops ranging from college information, (Kindergarten to College program through the Oakland Promise, College Requirements, Financial Aid, etc), reclassification workshops (for students who speak a language other than English in their homes), and Middle School Options workshops (for our 5th grade families).
Parent Leadership
The FRC works as a space for our classroom parent leaders. Classroom parents are responsible for facilitating communication between the school, the classroom teacher and other families, assisting teachers with classroom needs and events, and to serve as a bridge between the Family Resource Center and the classroom teacher.