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Celebrating Birthdays

At TCN we value celebrating our students. Student birthdays come up frequently and, as a community, I wanted to share with our families that celebrating birthdays with the traditional cake/cup cakes and ice cream is not allowed. We will lean on safety considering food allergies, diet restrictions, food safety and the OUSD Wellness policy. TCN will follow the guidelines of the OUSD Wellness and Nutrition Administrative Regulations, AR 5030.  For school birthday celebrations, any food served must meet state standards for health and safety. That said, teachers will be creative in celebrating students’ birthdays while honoring the OUSD Wellness Regulations. Some forms of celebration may include singing happy birthday during a class morning meeting and/or a birthday card from classmates. Nevertheless, if you wish to celebrate your student’s birthday at school, make sure to consult with the teacher to help plan a “healthy” and safe celebration.